Successfully Completion of the Library Orientation Program for the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) : Fall 2021
With great pleasure, on behalf of the GUB Library, I would like to inform you that the Library in collaboration with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) has organized an Orientation program on Monday, 23 October at 11:00 am using Zoom Platform. The program covered an informative session followed by a practical demonstration of the resources, services, facilities of the library, and how to avail of them. Around 70 participants were present at the Orientation.

The program began with greetings and anchoring by Mr. Mahbubur Rahman Kiran, Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering. He then invited the Deputy Librarian to conduct his session.
Afterward, the Deputy Librarian of the GUB Library Mr. Md. Ashiqur Rahman presented the details of printed resources, e-resources, study facilities, rules and regulations, e-library, and so on. Later he demonstrated the process of searching, downloading e-books and articles from various publishers.
At the end of the program, Mr. Mahbubur Rahman Kiran Sir explained why the library resources would be of use in their courses and research works and suggested sharing their earned knowledge on library resources with their mates.
Finally, he appreciated the organizing team for arranging a fruitful session and students for joining the orientation program.