The Webinar “Talk With DhakaAI”

October 20, 2020

The Publication and Departmental Outlook Committee, Dept. of EEE, GUB has successfully organized a webinar on “Talk With Dhaka-AI”.  An International AI based competition is going to be held in conjunction with STI 4.0, 2020 titled “DhakaAI – 2020”. The main purpose of today’s webinar was to explore the total program to the participants’.  Basically it was a question-answer session for the team members who are going to participate in “DhakaAI – 2020”.

In the first segment of the program, our honorable Pro. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Abdur Razzaque shared his thoughts and ideas about AI technology. He also congratulates all the organizers and the participants of this program. He said that it would be a great initiative in the era of AI technology and the contribution of Green University of Bangladesh will be written in history.

In the second segment of the program, our honorable chairperson of the EEE department Dr. ASM Shihavuddin delivered the welcome speech to all the team members. Then the promotional video of “DhakaAI – 2020” was shown. The main part of this program, the question-answer session was performed by our honorable chairperson. He answered all the questions of the team members.

Then honorable Assistant Professor of CSE department of ULAB, Dr. Rifat Ahmed shared his thoughts and feelings as a part of this program. His endless contribution to this program is highly appreciated by all of us.

Finally, our honorable Assistant Professor Md. Hasan Maruf and D.M Saduzzaman Sir shared their ideas and thoughts with the participants. Then our honorable Rabeya Akter Rabu madam, the host of the webinar has made the concluding remarks.