Section-A: There will be an Executive Committee comprising the following 21(twenty one) office bearers:
- President: 1
- Vice-President: 2
- General Secretary: 1
- Joint Secretary: 1
- Treasurer: 1
- Organizing Secretary: 1
- Information Secretary: 1
- Cultural Secretary: 1
- Publication Secretary: 1
- Office Secretary: 1
- Executive Members: 10
Section-B: Duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee will be as follows:
- Executive Committee will be responsible for execution of the policies and programs of the Association.
- It may form sub-committee for any particular activity or program of the Association.
- Executive Committee shall formulate the policy (addition and alteration of any Clause of the constitution) and procedures generate programs and activities for the Association and shall execute the same.
Section-C: Duties of the Office-Bearers
- President: He/she shall be the Chief Executive of the Association. The president will preside at all meeting of the Executive Committee and General Meeting of the Association. He/she will coordinate activities among all the office-bearers and will be responsible for successful implementation of any program of the Association.
- Vice-president: If the President is unable to perform the duties of his/her office for any reason, the Vice-president next in rank, shall occupy his/her position and perform his/her duties with the same authority as the President. Each Vice-president shall work under the direction of the President, oversee the functioning of the Association and will cooperate with the office bearers to implement the policy and/or program of the Association.
- General Secretary: He/she shall be under the supervision and direction of the President and act as the liaison person between the Executive Committee and the Association. He/she will be the Chief Executing Officer of the Association. In fulfillment of this, he/she shall: a) issue notice of all the meetings in consultation with the President. b) submit reports to the Executive Committee meetings as well as General Meeting. c) prepare minutes of the meeting and preserves the same. d) Circulate all decisions, policies and programs among the members. e) have custody keep and maintain all records, assets and properties.
- Joint Secretary: If the General Secretary is unable to perform his/her duties of the office for any reason, the Joint Secretary next in rank, shall occupy the position and perform his duties with the same authorities as the General Secretary.
- Treasurer:a) He/she shall receive all money/fees receivable by the Association and deposit the same in a Bank Account.b) He/she will pay all dues payable by the Association. All cheques and vouchers shall be signed by him/her and countersigned by either President or General Secretary. c) He/she will be custodian of all financial instruments and records.
- Organizing Secretary: He/she will be responsible to create, maintain, initiate and implement program to increase membership and development of the association.
- Information Secretary: He/she will act like a Data Bank of the Association. He/she will create, maintain and develop a positive image of the Association as a public relation officer. The website, social networking sites, group email etc. will be supervised by him/her.
- Cultural Secretary:His/her duties will be: a) To arrange cultural and recreational activities like picnic, tour, cultural event etc. b) To arrange cultural competition, sports etc. among the members of the Association.
- Publication Secretary: His/her responsibility includes publication of articles, research reports, yearly reports, bulletins, souvenirs, journal, albums, booklets etc. of the Association.
- Office Secretary:His/her responsibility is to maintain the office of the Association.
- Executive Members: a) To cooperate with the departmental Secretaries in performing their duties. b) To participate in the programs activities undertaken by the Association.
Section-D: The tenure of the office will be of two years. But the existing committee will continue functioning unless the next committee takes charge of the office.
Section-E: Election will be held in secret ballot system if there are more candidates for single post.
Section-F: The Election for executive committee of the office of the Executive Committee will be held after 2 years in General Meeting.