EEE Day 2022- Rise From The Ashes: Successful completion of Day One
It’s my pleasure to inform you that the first day of “EEE Day 2022-Rise From The Ashes” has been successfully completed on 2nd November 2022. The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) and EEE Club jointly organized the EEE Day 1 at Green University Of Bangladesh (Permanent Campus). Some glimpses of Day 1 of this mega event are attached herewith.
The EEE Day 1 program started with a Grand Opening Ceremony. Honorable Prof. Dr. Md. Fayzur Rahman (Treasurer, GUB), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Aminur Rahman (Campus Director, GUBPC), Prof Dr. ASM Shihavuddin (Chairperson, Department of EEE, GUB), Assistant Prof. Dr. Md. Nazmus Shakib (Associate Chairperson, Department of EEE PC), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Molla Shahadat Hossain Lipu and other faculty members, students from different batches were present at this event. In the commencement speech, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Molla Shahadat Hossain Lipu sir praised the event and also highlighted it as a big platform for all the students and informed about creating a bonding between faculty members & students through this event. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Aminur Rahman and Assistant Prof. Dr. Md. Nazmus Shakib also delivers a valuable speech on hardworking and collecting knowledge by participating in this event, which will help to overcome the challenges coming ahead. Prof. Dr. Fayzur Rahman sir, highlighted the usefulness of robotics and encouraged the students to focus on skill development through this event. The other events were the gaming contest and seminars, which started from 10:30 am including RoboCon V1.0, Project and Poster Presentation, IEEE Seminar and Photography Contest. Students were so enthusiastic to participate in these different events. There is also a Cultural Segment-
1. RoboCon V1.0EEE Club GUB in collaboration with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Green University of Bangladesh organized the first-ever line follower robot competition, RoboCon v1.0; Unleash your Potential, Energize the Wheels on EEE Day 2022! College and university-level students from all over the country participated in the competition. A total of nine teams demonstrated their robots. The competition took place on 2nd November 2022 at the permanent campus of Green University of Bangladesh. Prize money for the champion and runner-up team was worth seven thousand and three thousand BDT, respectively along with certificates of participation for all of the participating teams. Through intense excitement, team Dynamic Spark became the champion and team Robot 2.0 was the runner-up.The judgment was led by Prof. Dr. Fayzur Rahman, Treasurer of GUB, Prof. Dr. ASM Shihavuddin, Chairperson, Department of EEE, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Molla Sahadat HossainLipu.Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aminur Rahman, Campus Director, and Assistant prof. Dr. Md. Nazmus Sakib, Associate Chairperson, Department of EEE, Green University Permanent Campus inspired the participants with their valuable speech on RoboCon v1.0. Respected teachers from other departments and faculties as well as students from different continuing batches also attended the joyous event.The grand event concluded with the prize-giving ceremony and the speech of Prof. Dr. ASM Shihavuddin. The chairperson reflected on his vision of leading the EEE department to a height of inspiration, prosperity, and innovation. Besides, he emphasized the necessity of such competitive events to encourage juveniles to teamwork, critical thinking, and implementation.
2.Project And Poster Presentation ContestThe project and poster presentation contest of EEE day 2022 has been successfully completed at the permanent campus. The aim of arranging this contest is to extract the innovative and creative ideas of our young engineering students for future technological development. After preliminary evaluation by the judges panel, 10 Groups have been invited to participate in this contest to present their ideas through posters and hardware based prototype projects. The contest was inaugurated by the honorable chairperson Professor Dr. ASM Shihavuddin. The judge panel consisted of the following members–1. Dr. Md. Ahsanul Alam, Associate Professor, Dept. of EEE, Green University of Bangladesh.2. Dr. Ahmed Al Mansur, Associate Professor, Dept.of EEE, Green University of Bangladesh 3. Md. Asif Ul Haq, Assistant Professor, Dept.of EEE, Green University of Bangladesh.The judges evaluated all the participants on their presentation skills, novelty of the work, and explanation of the ideas with flow charts and feasibility of the idea in future. The judges have also motivated the contestants to acquire deep knowledge of their topics. Finally, the winners of the contest were chosen by the combined scoring of the judging panel.
3.IEEE SeminarProf. Dr. Satyen Biswas (Professor of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department at Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh) was present as the keynote speaker. Prof. Dr. ASM Shihavddin, Chairperson of the Department of EEE was present as the chief guest. Asoc. Prof. Dr. Aminur Rahman, Campus Director, GUB PC was present as a special guest along with Prof. Dr. Fayzur Rahman, Treasurer of Green University Bangladesh. The program started with a speech from Asoc. Prof. Dr. Aminur Rahman Sir and Prof. Dr. Fayzur Rahman sir. They emphasized on learning and research and the importance of being an IEEE member. The title of the seminar was “Design and testing of a VLSI circuit”. Our keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Satyen Biswas delivered a splendid speech describing the basics of VLSI. He mainly focused on learning VLSI layout design and gave a clear idea of the job market in Bangladesh on VLSI design. He also mentioned the future opportunity of the VLSI sector in Bangladesh, which was not yet as good as other countries. The seminar ended after the speech of Prof. Dr. ASM Shihavddin sir. He handed over the crest to the speaker.
4.Photography Contest and ExhibitionParticipants were allowed to send any type of photograph related to student life or campus life or anything else. From all the submitted photos only 15 photographs were selected for the final round. An exhibition of these 15 photos was held on 2nd November, 2022 at the permanent campus of GUB. From those photos only3 photos were selected by the judge panel i.e. two internal & one external judge named Muztoba Rabbani, Ex-President of Jahangirnagar University Photographic Society. All 15 contestants will be certified. Champion, 1 st runner up, and 2nd runner-up will be awarded by the crest on 3rd November, 2022 on 4:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
5.Cultural Segment-1The last event of the EEE Day 1 program, Cultural Function was held at 4:00pm. The EEE Club permanent campus organized this segment. In the cultural segment, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Aminur Rahman sir, Prof. Dr. ASM Shihavuddin sir, Assistant Prof. Dr. Md. Nazmus Shakib sir and other faculty members, students from different batches were present. Prof. Dr. ASM Shihavuddin and Rukhshana Parvin, lecturer of EEE Dept. performed in this event. On behalf of students Sajib Biswas, Rudra Saha, Faysal Shahid Noor, Nusrat Binte Youme, Samia Nowshin Oishi performed at the event.
Some moments of this Day are attached herewith.