Unlocking Opportunities: Successful Wrap-Up of ‘Extracurricular Involvement: Club Activities’!

October 3, 2024

The Mentorship Program of the EEE Department successfully organized a program titled “Extracurricular Involvement: Club Activities” on October 3, 2024, at 8:30 p.m. via Zoom. We are delighted to share that more than 58 students from Batch 242 of the EEE Department, along with 6 club representatives from five different clubs, attended the program.

This program is specially designed to introduce our freshers to the vibrant club culture in our university. The focus will be on:
1. IEEE PES GUB Student Branch Chapter
2. EEE Club
3. Green Robotics Society
4. Debating Club
5. Leo Club of Green University
6. Sports Club
7. Photographic Club
8. Cultural Club
9. Green University Language Center (GULC)
10. CET

1. IEEE PES GUB Student Branch Chapter: Chair from IEEE PES GUB SBC was present at the program and highlighted his club goals, activities, and the opportunities to freshers. He also explained how to get IEEE membership and how important IEEE ID is. He also answered some important questions from the freshers.

2. EEE Club: General Secretary of the EEE Club was present at the program. Through his presentation he gave an idea about the activities of EEE club and how students can develop their soft skills through it. It also gives students an idea of how to get involved with clubs and start their activities early.

3. Green Robotics Society: Treasure of the Green Robotics Society was present at the program. She gives an idea about the various teams of the Robotics Society through her presentation. She also highlighted that currently the Robotics Society has four different types of competition teams and how the team members are recruited. She answered some queries of the freshers like how they can contribute to the Robotic Society Technical Team and how they can get equipment from university funds.

4. Debating Club: Convener of the Debating Club was present at the program. Through his speech he highlighted the contribution of EEE department since the establishment of debating club. While highlighting his club activities, he said that debating club practices with club members two days a week. He also highlighted the medals won by the debating club so far. He said in the question and answer of the freshers, for debating, one must have interest in learning and reading as well as having an interest to present something.

5. Leo Club of Green University: President of the Leo Club of Green University was present at the program. While introducing his club, he said how each Leo club member gets a unique ID card and how a Leo can identify himself as a volunteer around the world. He also highlighted some of their winter activities and their achievements. He said more about Leo Youth Camp. Answering the questions of the students, he said that Leo is an international club and there is no problem with funds.

6. Sports Club: The club was introduced by one of our Mentor Intern. Explain the different types of teams in sports clubs and the events organized at different times. He also highlighted the GUB Inter Game Festival.

7. Photographic Club: Our mentor intern also highlighted about this club. He said the photography club organizes photo exhibitions and organizes online photography competitions at various times.

8. Cultural Club: Our Mentor Intern also highlights about Cultural Club. Among the segments it has organized at different times of the Cultural Club are Charuivaati, Talent Hunt, Cultural Hunt, and lastly the 11th Anniversary Fest.

9. Green University Language Center (GULC): Another of our mentor interns told us about our language center. He mentioned here that the language center offers some foreign language courses in addition to our academy courses. They are IELTS, Japanese, Chinese, French, Korean. He further pointed out that the only center for NAT test in Bangladesh is run by our university’s language center.

10.Center of excellence for Teasing and Learning (CETL): Our same mentor intern introduced us to another center in our university called CETL. He pointed out that CETL was first established to improve the curriculum and then it started working for the students. It offers three trainings for teachers. They are CT L Course, CT L Workshop, FLTR. Three more training courses are offered to students. They are GIFT, DFT and CETL Intern. He also highlighted the various achievements of the students trained by CETL after their university career.