The Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (B.Sc. in EEE) program consists of the following categories of courses :

Category No. of Theory Courses No. of Sessional/

Lab Courses

Total Credit Hours
Language & General Education 8 (21 Cr) 1(1.5 Cr) 22.5 (15.62%)
Basic Science & Mathematics 9 (27 Cr) 2 (3 Cr) 30 (20.83%)
Other Engineering 2 (6 Cr) 1 (1.5 Cr) 7.5 (5.21%)
Core (EEE) 15 (45 Cr) 10 (15 Cr) 60  


Technical Elective 5 (15 Cr) 2 (3 Cr) 18
Project and Thesis 6
Total 39 16 144
Total      144 Credits


Course Structure: (Details with Course tittle and Course Code)

Language and General Education

Category UGC Min. Requirement

(considering 144 credits)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
Language and General Education 15% = 21.06 credits EAP 009* English for Academic Purposes 0
EAP 101 English for Academic Purposes I 3
EAP 102 English for Academic Purposes II 3
HUM 211 Functional Bengali Language 2
HUM 213 Bangladesh Studies: History of Bangladesh 2
EAP 204 English Lab 1.5
HUM 201/

HUM 207

Sociology /

Engineering Economics



HUM 405 Industrial Management 3
HUM 401 Financial and Managerial Accounting 3
HUM 403


Ethics & Environmental Protection


Total                15.625 %        22.5 credit

* EAP 009 is waived for the eligible students as stated in Ref. No.Letter No. GUB/GC /38 / 18 / 071


Basic Sciences and Mathematics

Topic UGC Min. Requirement(considering 144credits) Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
Basic Sciences and Mathematics 20% =28.8 credits
Mathematics: MATH 101 Differential and Integral Calculus 3
MATH 103 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 3
MATH 205 Linear Algebra and Complex Variable 3
MATH 207 Co-ordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis 3
MATH 209 Probability & Statistics 3
MATH 301 Numerical Methods 3
Sub Total                                         18
Basic Science: PHY 101 Physics I (Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Thermodynamics) 3
PHY 103 Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics and Mechanics) 3
PHY 104 Physics Lab 1.5
CHEM 101 Chemistry 3
CHEM 102 Chemistry Lab 1.5
Sub Total 12
Total                  20.83 %         30 credit


Other Engineering Subjects:

Topic UGC Min. Requirement Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
Other Engineering 5% = 7.35


CSE 101 Computer Programming 3
CSE 102 Computer Programming Lab 1.5
ME 201 Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals 3
Total                  5.20 %          7.5 credit


Program Courses

Topic UGC Min. Requirement Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
Program Courses 50 % = 72       credits      
Core Courses EEE 101 Electrical Circuits-I 3
EEE 103 Electrical Circuits-II 3
EEE 104 Electrical Circuits Lab 1.5
EEE 201 Electronics-I 3
EEE 203 Energy Conversion-I 3
EEE 205 Engineering Electromagnetics 3
EEE 207 Energy Conversion-II 3
EEE 208 Energy Conversion Lab 1.5
EEE 209 Electronics-II 3
EEE 214 Electronics Lab 1.5
EEE 301 Continuous Signals and Linear Systems 3
EEE 303 Digital Electronics 3
EEE 304 Digital Electronics Lab 1.5
EEE 305 Power Systems-I 3
EEE 307 Communication Theory 3
EEE 308 Communication Theory Lab 1.5
EEE 309 Solid State Devices 3
EEE 335 Digital Signal Processing I 3
EEE 336 Digital Signal Processing I Lab 1.5
EEE 302 Numerical Analysis Lab 1.5
EEE 317 Microprocessors and Interfacing 3
EEE 318 Microprocessors and Interfacing Lab 1.5
EEE 401 Control Systems 3
EEE 402 Control Systems Lab 1.5
EEE 440 Engineering Drawing & Electrical Service Design 1.5
Project /Thesis EEE 400 Project/Thesis 6
                                                                       Sub Total                               66
Technical/Electives EEE 3** Elective I 3
EEE 3** Elective II 3
EEE 4** Elective III 3
EEE 4** Elective III Lab 1.5
EEE 4** Elective I V 3
EEE 4** Elective IV Lab 1.5
EEE 4** Elective   V 3
                                                         Total   58.33 % =                    84 Credit
Grand Total = 144 credits


Elective Courses

Group A(Communication)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
EEE 319 Random Signals and Processes 3
EEE 325 Microwave Engineering 3
EEE 326 Microwave Engineering lab 1.5
EEE 407 Optical Fiber Communications 3
EEE 415 Digital Signal Processing II 3
EEE 423 Digital Communication 3
EEE 424 Digital Communication Lab 1.5
EEE 433 Mobile Cellular Communication 3
EEE 441 Telecommunication Engineering 3
EEE 451 Wireless Communication 3


Group B (Electronics)
Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
EEE 321 Analog Integrated Circuits 3
EEE 329 VLSI I 3
EEE 330 VLSI I Lab 1.5
EEE 409 Compound Semiconductor and Hetero Junction Device 3
EEE 417 Semiconductor Processing and Fabrication Technology 3
EEE 426 VLSI II Lab 1.5
EEE 435 Optoelectronics 3
EEE 443 Semiconductor Device Theory 3
EEE 453 Nanotechnology and Nano electronics 3
EEE 455 Medical Electronics 3
EEE 463 FPGA Based System Design 3
EEE 465 Mechatronics and Industrial Automation 3
EEE 481 Electrical Properties of Materials 3


Group C (Power)
Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
EEE 323 Power System II 3
EEE 327 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power 3
EEE 333 Power Electronics 3
EEE 334 Power Electronics Lab 1.5
EEE 411 Power Plant Engineering 3
EEE 419 Energy Conversion-III 3
EEE 427 Power System Protection              3
EEE 428 Power System Protection Lab 1.5
EEE 429 High Voltage Engineering 3
EEE 430 High Voltage Engineering Lab 1.5
EEE 437 Power system Reliability 3
EEE 445 Power System Operation and Control 3
EEE 457 Renewable Energy 3
EEE 461 E-Waste and Carbon Footprint 3


Group D (Computer)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
EEE 331 Microprocessor System Design 3
EEE 332 Microprocessor System Design Lab 1.5
EEE 413 Real Time Computer System 3
EEE 421 Multimedia Communications 3
EEE 431 Computer Networks 3
EEE 432 Computer Networks Lab 1.5
EEE 439 Computer Architecture 3
CSE 415 Cryptography and Network Security 3
CSE 453 Cyber Security 3

Comparison between UGC guided Syllabus and EEE Syllabus GUB

Category UGC requirements (minimum) Structure for EEE Dept. GUB
Language and General Education 15% 15.625 % (22.5 credits)
Basic Science & Mathematics 20 % 20.83 % (30 credits)
Other Engineering 5 % 5.20 % (7.5 credits)
Program Courses 50 % 58.83 % (84 credits)

Syllabus from summer 2018 to continue